New this year, the FSP is hosting a grand rounds program for academic pathologists and their trainees that provides professionalism and professional development education. The first program of the series was titled Facing the Real World: What Graduating Pathologists Need to Know and was held on Monday, March 27, 2023.
It is now the time of the year, exciting yet anxiety provoking, graduating pathology trainees are looking for and preparing to transition into their first jobs. As a gift of inspiration, this multidisciplinary and interactive webinar brings the expertise from leaders in Florida’s academic and non-academic settings to provide practical survival guides and tips for new-in-practice pathologists to thrive in any practice setting
Topics being covered include:
- How to close on a job offering
- Navigate the onboarding process
- Surviving the first 6-months
- Thriving in the long run
There is no CME for this recorded webinar.